Theogectric’s engineers have the experience of Energy efficiency calculations and certification of hundreds of Domestic and Commercial buildings.

Theogectric’s Design engineers have the experience of Electrical Design of hundreds of houses, Multistorey buildings, Warehouses, factories etc

Theogectric is an expert solar system Designer, Supplier and Installer ready to help your business or home.

Solar PV systems & Storage can be installed in areas where mains electricity is not available

The team will select the best PV panel suitable for the specific installation.

Theogectic’s team has the knowledge and experience to install the proper EV charger safely and efficiently

Delivering solutions engineered to meet all electrical, power, lighting and energy reduction requirements in the Industry

Theogectric’s team can install Solar Systems on House flat roof, House Ceramic roofs, Warehouse roof and Open Ground areas.

Thegectric’s team has the knowledge and experience for proper inspection and testing of any new or existing installation.
Health and Safety are at top priority in our firm. All of our managers, engineers and technicians are safety-trained. We use all safety measures as per codes and local safety office rules.